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'Everything Is Broken' by EDGEY

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:48 am
Side-Line Review: ... -ep-edgey/

Background/Info: Stephen James Knight better known under his sonic brainchild Edgey has already been active for or more or less twenty years. He released noticeable productions on labels like Hands, Hive Records ao. “Everything Is Broken” was released at the end of 2020 and features four cuts.

Content: The American sonic terrorist holds on his merciless ‘hardcore’ approach, mixing elements of Industrial- and gabber music. A few fragmented spoken samples have been used here and there. The songs stand for true sonic mayhem, which however has been mixed with a simple tune on one of the tracks (cf. “Powerhouse”).

+ + + : Edgey is pure energy and sonic aggression! It reminds me of the productions the artist released during his Hands period. It even has something retro-like; where numerous artists are actually experimenting with hard Techno influences, Edgey holds onto its good-old receipt. I have a little preference for “Powerhouse”, which I can’t consider as atypical, but just a bit more elaborated and less brutal. The die-hard fans will be more pleased with “Police State” and “Lock Down”.

– – – : Edgey remains an experiment in sound, which is hardly accessible for a wider audience.

Conclusion: Call it a somewhat forgotten and lost exposure of Industrial music or simply brutal hardcore!


Re: 'Everything Is Broken' by EDGEY

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:00 pm
by Fexomat
everything is Borken

...sorry but had this in my head all the time when i did that video :nilly:

Re: 'Everything Is Broken' by EDGEY

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:28 am
I had to read this like 10 times before I saw 'Borken'.

Re: 'Everything Is Broken' by EDGEY

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:23 pm
by Fexomat
Screenshot 2021-08-29 at 05.25.57.png
Screenshot 2021-08-29 at 05.25.57.png (639 KiB) Viewed 16300 times